I wear Docker’s sandals in wide and they’re perfect, and I’m pretty sure all their styles start with the same sole and just change the leather strapping, so why they can’t make this flip flop in wide is beyond me. The light on the headset will blink rapidly to indicate pairing mode. Easy to install and works well It’s a pretty noticeable change, in my opinion. A ben vedere, se equalizzata, anche la AKG ha un buon basso, solo che le tonalità piu profonde rimangono un po "coperte" da un medio basso leggermente piu pronunciato che tende a nasconderle. The remote also allows you to control your iPod, iPhone, and iPad music library from track selection to volume. Allerdings gewöhnt man sich ziemlich schnell daran. 👍👍😊Headphone ear pieces are not noise cancelling. (Might as well put all those shoe boxes to good use. Its more of a different sound signature.